Our Signature Projects


The Orthodox Leadership Project (OLP) is thrilled to have initiated a partnership with Ohr Torah Stone’s Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership (WIHL)  to launch the International Halakha Scholars Program (IHSP), a new advanced Halakha Scholars study program for female Orthodox leaders and educators.

The four-year, virtual, part-time program will offer a course of advanced study of halakha (Jewish law) in the subjects of Shabbat, Aveilut (Mourning), Kashrut, and Nidda (Family Purity).

Scholars will receive a certificate upon completion of each unit of study indicating their proficiency in that area of study, as well as a Graduate Certificate upon completion of the entire program.

Additional Information: Click here for more information on the program.

Apply here: International Halakha Scholars Program Application

International Halakha Scholars Program


The Orthodox Leadership Project’s flagship leadership cohort programs empower Orthodox women to bring their ideas for positive change for their communities to life. The curricular journey utilizes organizational theory as well as exercises, readings and lessons from a range of fields and disciplines. We simultaneously work with each participant to foster empowerment and overcome obstacles that block it.

Transform your leadership vision into lasting impact.

Leadership Cohort Training



OLP and Chochmat Nashim , in conjunction with The Times of Israel, spearheaded an initiative to bring women's voices to the parsha discussion. Beginning with Parshat Devarim in 2018 they have published an exclusive parsha column written by women on the Times of Israel blogs.

Click here to read the writings of this column: Chen/OLP Parsha Initiative | The Blogs (timesofisrael.com)


Talking Talmud is a podcast by Dr. Yardaena Osband of the OLP Leadership Team, and Anne Gordon on the daf yomi (Talmud page of the day). “Learning the daf? We have something for you to think about. Not learning the daf? We have something for you to think about! (Along with a taste of the daf…)

Anne Gordon is the deputy editor of Ops & Blogs at The Times of Israel. She is a veteran educator, having taught in high school and post-high school institutions in Israel and America for several decades.
Yardaena Osband is a pediatrician and teaches in her community and online. They both hail from Boston, and are proud alumna of Maimonides School, where they first learned Gemara.

Join the Conversation. Find the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Hadran.

Publishing & Podcasts


The Orthodox Leadership Project (OLP) empowers Orthodox Jewish women’s leadership as a way of strengthening Orthodox communities and the broader Jewish community. Through professional development training and educational initiatives, OLP promotes Orthodox women as impactful leaders of the Jewish people.