International Halakha Scholars Program

The Orthodox Leadership Project (OLP) is thrilled to have initiated a partnership with Ohr Torah Stone’s Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership (WIHL)  to launch the International Halakha Scholars Program (IHSP), a new advanced Halakha Scholars study program for female Orthodox leaders and educators.

The four-year, virtual, part-time program will offer a course of advanced study of halakha (Jewish law) in the subjects of Shabbat, Aveilut (Mourning), Kashrut, and Nidda (Family Purity).

Scholars will receive a certificate upon completion of each unit of study indicating their proficiency in that area of study, as well as a Graduate Certificate upon completion of the entire program.


The Orthodox Leadership Project (OLP) empowers Orthodox Jewish women’s leadership as a way of strengthening Orthodox communities and the broader Jewish community. Through professional development training and educational initiatives, OLP promotes Orthodox women as impactful leaders of the Jewish people.